BSF Constable Tradesman Result 2018 | CT / TM Final Merit List Result

BSF Constable Tradesman Result 2018BSF Constable Tradesman Result 2018

BSF (Border Security Forces) is one of the esteemed job posts in our country. All the aspirants look up to the vacancies provided by BSF. The BSF Constable Tradesman Result 2018 BSF CT Tradesman Result for the Physical Test 2017-18, the written exam which was conducted in January.

The Result is due and we bring to you the Exam Results and the Expected Marks cut-off. All the aspirants have been waiting eagerly for this update from the BSF official update.

The BSF had opened vacancies for 1074 posts. These posts included those of Constable(tradesman) for various trade forms like the carpenter, painter, cobbler, cook, draftsman, sweeper, washerman, water carrier, barber, khoji and gardener etc.

Interested aspirants filled up the online application form, for which the last date of submission was 30 October 2017. The complete recruitment process is described as follows:

The PET/PST and the trade test was conducted by the BSF for the Constable’s post on 8th and 9th January 2018. The test was conducted in every state. The written test was conducted by BSF for All Constable Tradesman Post in the month of March this year. The details have been provided below.

Result :
The applicants filled their online forms in time and then sat for the written exam. Now the result for their efforts and hard work is awaited. The BSF will soon be providing the result to the candidates.

The results will be provided online on the official website of BSF: aspirants must remain updated with the Official website. The official website is an important source to all Important News.

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We at will bring you news about every new happening. You may post your queries in the comments section given below. The candidates are hereby requested to keep on checking the official website as well as this page of for the updates of results.

You can keep this page starred on your browser for further assistance and guidance. You can check your BSF Results 2018 on the official website: you will be able to find your results easily on this page.

The exam was successfully conducted on 18th March of this year. The Shortlisted Candidates’ list will soon be put up that was what everyone was thinking. But now as it has been uploaded by the Department one can visit the official website to access their result.

The Border Security Forces have announced the Written Exam Results 2018. The Results of various candidates belonging to different states have been released. The BSF Haryana, Assam, UP, Delhi NCR, Bhilai, Gujarat etc. have been released recently. You can easily access your results by visiting the official website:

The written exam was conducted for the posts of constable tradesman in force. The posts included those of Cobbler, Carpenter, Draughtsmen, Constable, Cook, tailor etc.these posts are very important for the Border Forces.

PET/PST qualified candidates and those who had all their documents verified and had cleared the trade test were absolutely eligible to sit for the OMR written test. The aspirants who sat for the Objective type questionnaire that is the offline test must be eager to know their results.

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So now their wait is finally over and they can check their results on the official website: the results, cut-off marks, and merit list will be duly issued on the official website of BSF. You must keep updated with the official website.

The aspirants qualifying the OMR based test will be sent letters to appear for the Medical fitness test. The aspirants will be duly assessed for their medical fitness and physical strength. The order of merit will be the basis of the call for the medical test. The vacancy for the post also decides the aspirants called for the medical test round.

The merit list for each category will be drawn up separately. The categories namely: GC, SC-ST, OBC, Ex-servicemen with respect to state and UT quotas and the merit list will be the deciding factors for selection. The elder aspirant will be preferred over the younger one in case of merit tie.

At the earlier advent of vacancies, only 1074 vacancies were opened by the BSF for Constables under various disciplines. The eligible candidates could choose their field of interest and apply for the same.

The interested candidates attempted the question paper in this march. Coming up is the medical test of the selected candidates. Do reach out to the results site and check your results.

Do refer to the Career Prospects of the Official Website: find the recent activity. There you will easily find the Results update. You may easily get to your results List and then open it.

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Find your name and download the pdf file. Print your result for further use. Prepare yourself for the Physical test. Be ready and aware. All the best from

All the students who appeared for the BSF examination which was held on 18 March this year must rejoice as their results are out. We hope that you have gained marks according to your hard work.

The Tradesman Result 2018 has been issued on the official website: the students must stay updated with the latest news.

Recruiting Authority: Border Security Force
Vacancy type: Constable Tradesman
Total Vacancies: 1074
Schematic draw up for selections: Written Exam, PST/PET, Fitness test and Document Verification
Exam Conducted on: 18-03-2018 (Sunday)
Results Declaration: Published on the Official website

As per the data provided about 5 lacs students had appeared for the exam. The conduction process will continue through document verification and fitness test after the merit list has been released. The aspirants must stay focused on the official website for updates.

The qualified students will be called in for the medical test. The schedule is still under wraps but we are hopeful that it will be revealed soon.The results and merit lists will be published category wise.

Other miscellaneous data such as the number of students who sat for the exam, the sex ratio, the paper difficulty etc will also be released.

Keep yourself updated at every moment with the further news.
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