HSSC Laboratory Attendant Result Merit List and Cut-Off Marks 2018

HSSC Laboratory Attendant Result & Cut-Off Marks

After each exam, you look forward to the result. The hard work must pay back. It is now the time to look into the results of your hard work.
HSSC Laboratory Attendant Result & Cut-Off MarksLaboratory Caretaker Examination for the Haryana Staff Selection took place on 30th September 2018. Now all the aspirants are looking forward to the release of the answer keys to the examination.

The answer sheets for the exam conducted last week have been released by the HSSC Lab Attendant Solutions 2018 of both the Morning and the Evening sessions. You may check the result on the official website: www.hssc,gov.in

All the aspirants have checked the lab caretaker official answer key. It is now that you wish to discuss the results for the exam conducted. We here at www.todaysera.com will keep you updated with the results, the solutions, the merit list here at our page. Look further for more news.

The Haryana Staff Selection Commission has been prepping itself to release the results for the recently conducted Lab Attended Exam. The dates on which the Commission will release the results or when the official date will be released.

The officials are yet avoiding to talk about the results, it can be due to security purposes or may have some different dimension to it. The Commission just recently released an announcement for the result releasing date.

The laboratory exam took place for 282 vacancies in total. The aspirants are looking forward to the answer key and the merit list. We even provided the solutions and results for the Lab Attended vacancies and other information and we will keep on providing with such information.

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The Haryana SSC is looking into the evaluation of the exam answer sheets. The exam was of 90 marks in total. The marks will be awarded to the students on the basis of their performance.

The lab caretaker vacancies’ data will be updated online on the official website: www.hssc.gov.in the aspirants need to carefully check and keep a record of the cleared and not cleared status of their application. The socio-economic status and the experience of the aspirant will also be counted while the aspirant gets marked for his/her performance.

With the release of the answer key, the students have an idea about the number of marks they will be scoring.

HSSC Lab Caretaker Result Details
Recruitment Board NameHaryana Staff Selection Commission / HSSC
Advt. No.11/17
PostLaboratory Caretaker
No. of Posts282 Vacancy
Exam Date30th September 2018
Shift TimeMorning & Evening
Cut Off detailsGiven Below
Official Websitewww.hssc.gov.in

Haryana Laboratory Caretaker Exam Result being a very important result has created some tension among the aspirants. The name and the number of students clearing the exam is very important.

The Commission will soon be releasing the data of the selected students on the official website: www.hssc.gov.in the aspirants will soon be able to check their results. The results will be released in the local newspapers after it has been released online.

The students can gain access to their result through their login ids and personal information. We will now take up the discussion for the cut-off marks so that you get an idea for the expected cut-off marks in the lab Attended Exam Result 2018.

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Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC)also conducts Fire Station Officer, Sub-Fire Officer, Tabla Player, Junior Lecture Assistant Posts Exams with Lab Attended exam.

The students can easily gain the information about their result status from the Official website: www.hssc.gov.in you may even take some help from the last year’s cut-off marks. That will be a great help in making out what will be this year’s score scale.

You can keep yourself glued either to www.todaysera.com or at the official website: www.hssc.gov.in you can mention queries or suggestions in the comments section provided at the bottom of this page.

Checking your result:  

  • Open the official website: www.hssc.gov.in  to open it.
  • At the Official page, check Advt No. 11/17 Cat. No. 5.
  • Open & Read the Details on the official page.
  • Go to “Useful Links” to find the appropriate page.
  • Enter your “Application Number” & “Password” which you have been provided with.
  • Press Show Result, your result will load.
  • Save this data and take a print out of your result for further use.
Important Links
Visit Officialhttp://www.hssc.gov.in/

The written exam 2018 was of 90 in totality marks written examination. The examination included the given topics: logical reasoning, computer application, general knowledge and laboratory caretaker discipline.

The aspirants who appeared for the exam must be eager to know their results. They must be made aware with the fact that the Solutions for the examination 2018 has been uploaded on the official website: www.hssc.gov.in the students must go to the official website to know the questions they have attempted correct and the ones they have attempted wrong.

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If you have been looking for the Official Answer Key for the Lab Caretaker examination then your wait is finally over. The solutions for the HSSC Lab Caretaker Written Exam 2018 has been issued on the online platform.

You can easily access the Answer Key by visiting the page. You may check the Solutions for both Morning and Evening shifts.

Each one of you is asked to download the result copy and keep a printout of the Answer Key 2018. Cross check your marked answers with the Official Solutions provided on the official page. When you cross check your answers you will be able to count your marks.

The Lab Caretaker Written Examination 2018 against Advt. No. 11/2017, Cat No. 05 was conducted on 30-September-2018 by HSSC. The exam was conducted in two shifts i.e. in the Morning and in the Evening. The HSSC Lab Caretaker 2018 Written Exam had a total time for the exam was of 120 minutes.

The eligible and meritorious candidates will be selected by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission. This exam was conducted to fill up 162 vacancies. The merit list for the exam will be prepared as per the marks obtained and socioeconomic status and experience will be kept in mind.

The morning and evening sessions answer keys have been uploaded on the official website. The aspirants who sat for any session can check his/her solutions on the official website: www.hssc.gov.in to download the pdf file for further use.
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