Unconventional career | Changing Career Paradigms

Unconventional careers or Changing Career Paradigms – 

“Love what you do, do what you love !”

This should be the goal of education. Evolving times are creating flexible career options. There are new emerging career options for all talents. Animation, graphics, blogging, Digital media and travel journalism, ethical hacking are a few adventurous emerging careers. In the present scenario, the youth of our nation is more inclined towards jobs which gives them satisfaction. A career option which gives happiness guarantees success.

Career Paradigm का हिंदी में मतलब: कैरियर प्रतिमान
Unconventional careers -Changing Career Paradigms
Indian education system and curriculum is confined to mugging up. It is mostly about getting the first rank in class or probably ‘A’ grade on your mark sheet. The pressure of getting good grades has limited the scope of exploration.

Majority of the students leave their jobs even after a good package. Its because they are not satisfied with the work they are doing.

Success in any career is decided by the dedication. One can be dedicated to any cause if he/she can relate to it. New emerging careers in different industries have increased the possibilities of exploration and adventure.

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With the blending of different industries, there are new emerging concepts. These concepts have led to the generation of millions of job opportunities. Few unconventional careers include:

Creative writing:

“Writing is about playing with words!”

Words in different orientations create a magical effect. It’s rightly believed that

“Words have the power to heal and harm!”

In olden times before the digitalisation of media this field had a limited scope. Writing was not taken up as a serious profession. But nowwith evolving media the demand for quality content is increasing.

This digitalization has completely revolutionized the perspective of writing industry. Internet has opened the windows for writers to give them a platform to showcase their talent.


“The irony lies in the fact of wine being most appreciated and defamed commodity of consumption!”

A sommelier is a person who is an expert in wine tasting. The scope of this profession is limited in India, but it has a wide range of scope abroad. Wine industry comes under the food and beverage industry. The quality of wine is one of the most prominent things which determines its value.

A sommelier is an expert in determining the quality of wine. To start for this career, you should first start working in the food and beverage industry. Later, you can go for a certification course to hold better job prospective.

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There is no recession in this industry, so this unconventional career offers ample of opportunities.

Ethical Hacking:

Hacking is unauthorized access to information. When hacking is done for ethical purpose it is termed as ethical hacking. Various arenas including national security, corporate forums data security need ethical hackers. Everything is being online. Banking, shopping, booking, traveling even dating. Increase in use of Internet over the years has lead to increase in the cyber crimes . There are Trojans, malwares malicious software’s which steal sensitive data.

There are programmers being introduced in cyber security (ethical hacking) recognized universities across India to create more cyber security experts.

With growing demands, ethical hacking has emerged as promising unconventional career option.


Animation industry is gaining pace with increasing demand of videos in every industry. There are different types videos in demand. Major industries use explainer videos and related techniques to explain their services.

End users of any service may or may not be friendly with the technical background of service. With animation it becomes easier to explain the concept. Animators are in demand. Animation industry has major roles like motion graphics, VFX, script writers, Sound artist and many more.

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The most interesting part of this job is you never carry the boredom of pressure.If you are creative, then you can be the best in your workplace.

Culinary arts:

“Food compliments every occasion!”

If you are someone who knows the importance of good food for every occasion, then this career is best option. Kitchen is the laboratory to create stuff which satisfies your hunger as well as soul. Hospitality industry has emerged as one of the most promising industry.It has created a million of job opportunities.

If you aspire to create tasty food and earn a lot of money out of it, this is the perfect career option.

To be different, you need to think differently. Success does not lie in doing something different, it lies in doing same things differently!

Have faith and keep moving to achieve your goals.
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