Maru Gujarat TAT Result 2018 & Merit List, TAT-SEC Cut off @

Maru Gujarat TAT Result 2018 & Merit List, TAT-SEC Cut off @

Gujarat TAT 2018 Result & Merit List, Cut off Marks dates online have been released. Aspirants will find Gujarat Secondary Education Board {GSEB} and OJAS Gujarat results after 29 July. You can find TAT Gujarat Score Card for Gujarat Teachers Aptitude Test {TAT-SEC} in about August 2018 at or Direct links to the official website for the result . Aspirants can check their results by entering their roll number and other required details in the result panel after the official declaration; we will keep you updated.

GSEB Gujarat TAT-SEC Result 2018 Release Date

More than 10 to 15 thousands eligible candidates sat for the online registration before the last date 18 June 2018. The forms were opened on 11th August 2018. The exam was successfully conducted by the exam authority on the date 29th July 2018 at various exam centers. Now the result has been released Maru Gujarat TAT Result 2018 & Cut off Marks with Merit List Pdf for the students about the eligibility for the next round. The answer sheet checking process is on the way so till date you can check the Gujarat TAT Expected Cut off 2018 using Answer Key of TAT Gujarat. Merit List will be available in the Pdf format.

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Name of the examination authorityGujarat Secondary Education Board {GSEB}
Official website of
Exam NameGujarat Teachers Aptitude Test {TAT-SEC}
Exam DateJuly 29, 2018
Result DateSeptember 2018
Article ForResult


OJAS Gujarat TAT Result 2018 Name Wise / Roll Number Wise

There is another way to check the result. The score will be available online only on the official website. Candidate’s roll numbers as printed on the admit card will be required for checking the Maru Gujarat TAT Result 2018 & the Merit List. You can check the result name wise result only if the facility is available on the official website. In any other case, you can call the helpline numbers of the Gujarat TAT 2018-19 to ask anything related to your queries. Keep visiting the official website of OAS and GSEB TAT 2018 Result for regular updates.

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GSEB Maru Gujarat TAT Merit List 2018 Cut off

After the declaration of the result of OJAS TAT, the board exam cell will publish OJAS TAT Merit List & Cut off Marks 2018 for SC, ST, OBC and General male and female candidates through the official website. The merit list and cut off mark will be released in Pdf format at the official server link. You can check your name and score in this list, if you found your name in this list then you will be called for further rounds of Gujarat Teachers Aptitude Test.

Cut off marks are the minimum qualifying marks for this exam through which you can take part in the upcoming process. Cut off marks will be calculated out of all the maximum marks of the exam.

How to Check Maru Gujarat TAT Result 2018 & Merit List @

follow these steps to download Pdf.

  • visit the official website of Maru Gujarat TAT 2018.
  • Click on link TAT Result Gujarat 2018 & Merit List.
  • Enter Roll Number, DOB and Reg No for further process.
  • Click on check result button
  • Now you can see your result on the screen.
  • Download Pdf of it and save it in computer hard drive.
  • Print a hard copy of it for further uses.
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Going online for the results is a very novel way and has led to the process becoming a hassle-free one. This has made our exam system and the results system very efficient and fast. Thus, we must support this movement of Digital India.

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