What is the full form of India?

India: Independent Nation of Democratic Integration Alliance

Do you know what is full form of INDIA?

If you consider the real terms then India has no specific full form. To realize the hidden core definition of India it can be split as :

I – independence


D – Democratic

I – incredible

A – Area

These terms completely define India as a nation of independence, liberalization, and integrity in diversity. To be very precise we live in a nation of millions of colors in all walks of life. From culture, festivities, food to places.

Everything so different from one another but still there exists a common inherent feeling of being an Indian. This feeling is what makes India one nation as a whole with multiple faces.

full form of India

History of India

India has a very glorious past in combination with freedom struggle. There have been many struggles to get India as it is now. A lot of sacrifices and lives have paid for freedom. There were differences in ways we fought for freedom.

Different leaders had different ways and notions of freedom but what made India free was a common feeling of nationalism. There were many leaders who played crucial roles at every stage of the freedom struggle.

There have been many moments like civil disobedience and salt March which have given world benchmark of hard work and war with peace.

Our freedom is a gift of our great Indian freedom fighters.

Global outlook for India

Today if we see then India is a developing nation. With most of India’s population in the young age group(18-20). There is a tremendous scope of development. There have been many developments since the independence and still few rectifications are going on.

On a global scale earlier India was thought to be a country of snake charmers and not so literate and practical people. But with improvement in education and technology, we have been successful in changing our image globally.

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There are developments in all areas of the economy, sports, technology, research, media to bigger panels. On an average, we have changed our image globally and we are emerging as a power in the nation in coming future.

Diversity and culture of India

India has a huge diversity. You can imagine it as a pool with almost every fish of a different breed. Food, festivals, dressing, and languages are few factors or parameters to measure the diversity.

From mild south Indian flavor to absolutely tangy and spicy Punjabi flavor. India has all flavors on one plate.

The food differs on the basis of climate and spices endemic to that region of the country.

29 states and 7 union territories comprise a single unit called INDIA.

As it is known that India is famous for its spices and spicy food. Therefore there are different cuisines of every state.

There are many religions including Sikhs, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, and Parsis. There are almost 1652 languages out of which Hindi is the most famous and second official language.

There are many festivals from Deepawali, Holi to Ramzan and Pongal.

So overall one can never get bored in India because your exploration will take you to places completely different from one another in all terms.

A darker side:

Yes, there are many positive points with respect to Indian culture, art, traditions, and development. But still, there are many persistent problems to be dealt.  These problems have made the development process slow and stagnant.

These are like stigma on society which tends to hinder the development of thoughts, the way of living and practicing. Few of such problems are

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Corruption of India:

It’s very ironical that we are spoiling the freedom we have achieved on our own. We have become so selfish that we don’t think about the nation as a whole. For our own benefits and small desires, we are corrupt. This corruption is not something which exists at one level.

In India, it starts at a very early age when a father lies about his son’s age just to avail a half ticket on the lower price. From that stage onwards a child learns that it’s OK to cheat. So it needs to be stopped there itself.

We corruption and cheating around us we have become imprisoned and captured in our own plunges.

Discrimination in India

Since the very beginning differences in caste, color, gender, and status have been a crucial part of Indian culture. It’s very sad to know that even after so many years of independence we are still bound in these discriminatory practices.

This discrimination has led to unequal development. It has led to a hollow society where a poor gets poorer and richer gets richer.

We need to change our mindset and think more on the basis of someone being a human. Rather than considering their caste,  color, creed, and gender.

So get over all the hollow traditions, customs, and practices which are slowing the pace of development. Switch to measures which avoid severe hazards to development. Hazards like corruption, inequality, bias, poverty, and much more.

Achievers of India’s glorious past…

Few of these great achievers of Indian history are:,

  1. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi:

Father of the nation Gandhiji was one of the prime members of the freedom struggle. He was the driving force behind the struggle for national freedom.

Gandhi Ji 1

Popularly known as ‘Bapu’ clad in a white dhoti he fought against the colonial rule with the arms of ‘truth’ and ‘nonviolence’. In today’s world, his ideas are still preached and praised.

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There were many movements which Gandhiji famous at the time of freedom struggle. Civil disobedience movement, salt march, and few other movements paved the way for Gandhiji’s popularity as a nonviolent preacher of freedom.

In his personal life, he was a person of simple living and high thinking. He was Born on 2nd October in Porbandar state, Gujarat. He also spread the essence of his truth and nonviolence in South Africa where he fought against racial discrimination on the basis of color ( apartheid).

The great divine soul took his last breath in Delhi. But his ideas and memories will always be a crucial part of Indians and Indian history.

  1. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose:

Subhash Chandra Bose was a leader of a completely different mindset. His ideologies and beliefs were not inclined towards truth and nonviolence. He always supported violent strategies to win over the colonial harassment of Indian.

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose

Subhash Chandra Bose was born in Cuttack, Orissa. He was a radical leader and he founded a separate Indian national army. This army was composed of soldiers who were captured in the battle of Singapore.

He filled the hearts of soldiers with the burning desire to achieve freedom at any cost. He was a leader of far vision.

He also faced imprisonment by the colonial rule due to his radical activities and speeches.

  1. Bhagat Singh
  2. Shri Jawaharlal Nehru

These leaders sacrificed their lives to give us India of our dreams. This nation where we can breathe freely with no fear and die in peace.

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