Do you know full form of PH? पीएच क्या होता है?

What is the full form of PH?

PH  Full Form – Power of hydrogen


PH के बारे मई जानकारी।

Power of hydrogen is a crucial parameter in chemistry to define acidity or basicity of any substance.  According to Bronsted Lowry concept of acids and bases, acids are the substances which release H+ in the aqueous medium and bases are the substances which release OH – in the aqueous medium.

Based on the above concept the criterion of PH has been given which helps in determining whether a given substance is acidic or basic.  A sample can be tested with the help of litmus scale and compared with the standard PH scale.

According to the PH scale, 7 has been considered as the neutral PH. All the substances showing the value below 7 on the ph meter are considered to have high H+ concentration.  On the other hand, all the substances having a PH value above 7 are considered to be basic. Amino acids are one of the substances which can be taken to understand the concept of Ph nicely.

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Amino acids are of different types including positively charged, negatively charged and neutral amino acids. Those with high H+ concentration are considered to be acidic. They are positively charged in nature. Those with the negative charge are considered to be basic in nature.

PH Full form in Hindi – हाइड्रोजन की संभावितI

PI – Isoelectric point

The isoelectric point refers to the point at which the amino acid (building block of the protein) seems to be in equilibrium stage. At this point, the amino acid is considered to be a zwitterion. It carries a neutral charge.

Mathematical Representation of PH

Ph = -log [H+]

For understanding the concept of acidity and basicity and effect of ph.

Simply consider an acid and a base, on titrating glutamic acid with sodium hydroxide the –COOH group slowly looses the protons and becomes negatively charged. This shows the ph increases from below 7 to a higher number.

Litmus Test for determining PH

Litmus coated strips are generally used in labs to determine whether a given substance is acidic or basic. Any substance, when put on litmus strip, may turn pink or blue. The pinkish or reddish appearance of litmus paper shows that the solution is acidic while the bluish appearance of the litmus paper shows the basicity of the solution.

Examples of the acidic and basic solution

Acidic substances: aspartic acid, glutamic acid, sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid, hydrochloric acid, formic acid, citric acid, lysergic acid, nitric acid, lactic acid, malonic acid and many more.

Basic Substances: NaOH, lysine, arginine, histidine, ammonia, ammonium hydroxide and many more.

Acidity and basicity are two concepts involved in primary testing of any newly synthesized compound. There are many other ways to calculate the Ph of any solution. Colour changing dyes like phenolphthalein, methyl orange, acetocarmine are also used to test acidity and basicity of any solution.

Practical research is going on various chemical analysis techniques. There is constant evolvement in ways to determine and classify substances as acidic and basic.  In the present scenario, digitally automated testing techniques are used for a basic test.

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