17 ways to Make your long Distance Realtionship Perfect

 Love is a feeling of joy in one’s life. Being in love is one of the most enthralling experiences for anyone.

The butterflies, on seeing your soulmate. Feeling of pleasure in his / her presence is all that makes this relation more exotic and strong.

But what if your love is a million miles away from you, will that be the end of your relationship?

“Be the shadow of my dreams,
Be the melody of my voice
Be the smile on my face,
Be the beauty of my soul,
Be the hope I desire,
Be the lineage I cherish,
Be my love,

Be the soul to me….”

Do distances end up the emotions which one carries in heart, let’ find out.

Long distance relationship experience

In today’s world where everything changes faster than the speed of light. it’s only the love and feelings which persist for longer times.

In today’s so-called practical and modern world the standard of love has marginalized. People believe in fulfilling their needs.

In such a situation can we think of a kind of love which exists forever? One which is beyond distance and differences in thoughts.

It’s difficult but not impossible in reality. we have what we want as we act according to it and perform deeds which make it happen.

Do we change our parents in our life? do we change our brothers and sisters in entire life? , ‘no’. Then why always moving over a relationship easy? it’s not difficult to find out, it’s because we lack the real feeling.

If we actually care and are loyal. the distances can never become a barrier to separate the two souls who really aspire to meet.

Do’s to make your long distance relationship successful

Communicate: The communication gap is the major issue in this kind of relationship. obviously, two of you are at separate places.

In different backgrounds and hence you are unaware of each other’s surroundings. So make communication about your day.

About your life at your place. About people, you meet in an entire day. Discuss things which are the crucial part of your life.

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after all, it’s the right for both partner’s to know what’s going on in each other’s life.

Surprise visits: Everybody likes the surprise. what can be the better surprise gift for your loved one to see you unexpectedly? So, a surprise visit will strengthen your relationship.

• Don’t be hideous: Hiding about the friends of opposite sex. Anything else, feeling that your spouse will not like it, will lead to a greater tension later on. so reveal all about you and never be hideous.

• Be loyal on calls: Decide a time to have a long chat. This will work as a booster and will help you cherish each other’s choices and delights.

• Be comfortable and easy to talk with: Don’t be shy reveal as required on right time and be comfortable. Don’t try to force your opinion.

Speak your mind and be ready to listen to the other’s viewpoint. And if you don’t agree, try to figure out midway. Getting frustrated or trying to impose your viewpoint will lead to stress.

• Don’t be a detective: A bit of possessiveness shows love, but a lot of it can make things worst. Every individual needs space.

When you are apart it may even become difficult to the difference between possessiveness and dominance.

This will surely help to make your relationship a perfect long distance relationship.

Like it may have happened that you stopped him /her from talking to one of his friends. , you asked him to stop going on trips with his/her friends.

Maybe this works for some time. But in a long run it will make him or her very frustrated and finally he/she will start hiding things from you.

Don’t seem busy: Don’t switch over calls until very necessary during your quality chat time. This may make your loved one feel that they don’t matter much to you.

Also, have a time slot set to make your spouse feel that you have that much of time fixed for him/her. No one else should intrude meanwhile.

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Never forget the special days: Every day with your loved is a special one but still noting down a few of them,

• Birthdays

• Anniversary . These days are memorable. They should be celebrated with utmost fervor and zeal especially in the case when you are away. You can take the help of video call to celebrate these together being miles away from each other.

Gifts: Not necessarily a Ferrari. A simple love card or small gift is enough to bring a smile on your sweetheart’s face sitting a million miles away. Gifts act as memories and a thing to ponder more and more over a long time till you are at separate destinations.

Video call: Whenever you get time just video call and stay connected. Browse over all the things going on in both of your lives. Maybe you cannot touch each other. But seeing your loved one and hearing him/her will make your moments complete.

Track social media updates: Social media is the way to look what is going on in your partner’s life. So always keep a track record of recent updates to stay in touch with the special moments of his/her life.

• Try to be a bit informed about the professional background: This can be essential. This will help you in taking the communication for a longer period. , as you have something to talk.

Many times in a long distance relationship, after a certain period of time you start feeling what to talk?

There is nothing common and as a result, your feelings start diminishing. You often end up waiting for the other one to start the conversation.

In reality, you don’t have anything to share. Your partner doesn’t know anything about your life, your friends, your daily routine and your profession. So it’s necessary to know about each other’s profession.

Just a bit to have something to start the communication. One more thing to keep in mind is that don’t over do it.

Try to become a bit sober in conversation and do not instruct him/her what to do ahead? Just let it be until the point where you can discuss it.

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Do not impose yourself over his professional skills. it will make him/her feel that you are trying to interfere in his/her career.

Snail mail: Maybe gone are the days when people use to post letters and telegraphs. But handwritten letters and telegraphs are still wonderful to read.

They carry your personal touch. Therefore try it out as an option to enhance the love in your relationship.

Dont’s to make relationship successful

• Never impose yourself: your love doesn’t need any testimonial. If you try to impose yourself over someone forcibly, maybe you both end up in a break-up situation.

For example: If your boyfriend wants to go out and party with his friends. But you call him and say that he shouldn’t go out. He should not drink or anything similar.

Then it might happen that he does all those things and does not inform you about it. s o do not force your decisions over him or her in name of love because finally, you cannot change him/her.

Maybe for your happiness, he changes for time being but later on he /she will do the things he/she likes. Be very gentle in approach.

If you don’t want him /her to do something, tell him/her about its consequences and let him/her decide.

Keep boundaries: There should be boundaries between your friends and your boyfriend/girlfriend. Do not expect him /her to accept yours over friendly relationships with your guy or girl as friends.

Love is a very special feeling, and it’s necessary to nurture it. It’s easy to break up but sustenance and living without the love of your life are vain and hollow.

So be loyal, caring and happy. Distances never separate, it’s the matter of purity and piousness of your feelings.

“Stay Informed and connect to Todaysera  for the latest updates”

Useful Resource: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/21-best-tips-making-long-distance-relationship-work.html

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