What is the Full Form of NASSCOM?

Do you know NASSCOM full form?


NASSCOM was established on 1st March 1988. It’s a non-profit organization whose purpose is trade association.NASSCOM is headquartered in Delhi, India. The key functions of NASSCOM are information technology and business process outsourcing. It’s a networking platform which unites the developing companies.

It helps them in presenting their products. Major events organized by NASSCOM include:
NASSCOM Emerge 50
Global In-house Centres Summit.
Big Data Analytics Summit.
Diversity & Inclusion Summit.
HR Summit

Thousands of IT/BPO sector companies participate in the NASSCOM six-month program. This program is meant for different purposes which help in the overall development of the company. Opportunities come alive in the fusion of different genera of IT on one platform. This event helps companies to realize their strength and weaknesses.

nasscom full form

NASSCOM full form in Hindi: सॉफ्टवेयर और सेवा कंपनियों की नेशनल एसोसिएशन

Investigating the industry trends:
Sharing ideas that made an impact: Here you get an opportunity to share ideas which created impact delivering some transformation.

Industrial exposure: Accessibility to all articles, reports, and industry related presentations and blogs.

NASSCOM research: NASSCOM helps in establishing research over industry trends, opportunities for growth and best practices.

Enhance visibility:
NASSCOM Newsline, website, events and award shows all help in building the brand. This increases visibility. There is nothing more important than visibility for a growing business. NASSCOM helps you in creating space for yourself in the business world. Efficiently using this platform can help in delivering the thought you wish to deliver across the world.

Global Outlook:
Delegations, road shows, and NASSCOM’s global events help in creating a global connection. Policy updates from other countries, influence on other businesses across the world. Understanding issues related to visa through NASSCOM mobility sessions.All these help in taking businesses to another level on a global platform.

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Opportunity to learn best industry practices:
• Data security
• Human capital development
• Quality
• Contract management.
• Quality and diversity management.
All these help in boosting business and evolving it. Businesses need nurturing, it grows with time. NASSCOM helps in giving you a platform to nurture your business.

Prominent people in NASSCOM :
RishadPremji – Chairman of NASSCOM, 2018–2019
Debjani Ghosh – President of NASSCOM, 2018–present
R Chandrasekhar – President of NASSCOM for 2013 – 2018
Somdutta Singh – Co-Chair of NASSCOM Product Council
Raman Roy – Chairman of NASSCOM, 2017–2018
C. P. Gurnani – Chairman of NASSCOM, 2016–2017
B V R Mohan Reddy – Chairman of NASSCOM, 2015–2016

Emerge 50
Its an annual Indian award ceremony by NASSCOM to felicitate the successful start-ups. The awards first presented by an eminent jury. Every year 10 start-ups are awarded in the league of 10.NASSCOM helps in giving businesses a relevant platform to flourish. This award boosts the confidences of the startups, giving them recognition and funds. Growth is stimulated by contacts. Gatherings help in collaborating with different businesses around the world to share ideas and build up new projects.

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