30 Motivational Updates For Refreshing What’sapp Status

30 Motivational Updates For Refreshing Whatsapp Status

1. ”Great minds have purposes, Others have wishes!!”
2. ”To crave a new path, YOU should be brave enough to walk alone. ”
3. ”Optimism drives life’s journey! ”
4. ” Its easier said than done!, So minimize words to maximize efficiency”!
5. ”The critic is one who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing”!
6. ”Life’s worth when your signature transforms into an autograph.!”
7. ” Be the best version of yourself..”
8. ”Every second you lose a bit of yourself, so never spend yourself in vain !”
9. ”Failures should push you ahead with greater force !”
10. ”Life’s tough when you start planning,!”
11. ”Struggle signifies your existence, its end means you are closer to death.”
12. ”If you are alone there can be just two ways to calm yourself, Make yourself believe that you are unique or just think that other’s are jealous!!”
13. ”Words are like ornaments, the best arrangement can make miracles happen..”
14. ” You’ll never enjoy happiness if you don’t know sorrow….”
15. ”Being someones special comes with responsibility…..to
Be the shadow of their dreams,
be the melody of their voice,
be the smile on their face,
be the hope they cherish,
be the lineage they have always dreams …”!

• “Love is not about winning or losing, it’s about caring…!”
• ”Ideas come alive when we believe in them…..”
• ” Life is big, everything happening in present is just a part of it..!”
• ” Imperfections are necessary to make you special, one of your kind.”
• ” Accepting yourself for the way you are, is the biggest achievement.”
• ” Life is about creating yourself rather than finding yourself…”
• ” Smiling in difficult times is most exotic experiences, try it….”
• ” Everything has a price…!”
• ” Win with dignity and lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.”
• ” Fortune comes to those, who don’t wait for it…”
• ” You are unexplored,,, challenge yourself to explore more…..”
• ” Emotions are precious, be careful before investing…”
• ” To make other’s happy, you need to be happy….!”
• ” Do not chase love, whatever lies in your part will come to you..!”
• “There are millions of reasons for something unfinished but there is just one to make it done…!”
• ”The word “bad ” does not exist in reality, its perspective of people around you which decides boundaries of ” bad” and “good”……!

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