Do you know CID Full Form? सी आई डी क्या होता है?

What is the Full form of CID? सी आई डी क्या होता है?

CID Full Form

CID के बारे में जानकारी

CID Full Form is Criminal/Crime Investigation Department. CID is the investigation and intelligence wing of State Police forces in India.  CID consists of a team which fights and kills and Crime and corruption in India. It operates all across India in every State and Union Territory. It has the support of officers and has a great legal team.

CID works independently and this organization has a significant part in the service of Indian Nation. Its motto is to make India Crime and corruption free. According to the Anti-corruption Act, it is a coordination unit of the Indian Government. Its operation is independent and plays an important role in making our society and surrounding safe for us and crime free.

Apart from corruption and crime, CID initiates important measures and also investigates for Narcotic, Fake currency, drugs, wildlife security, animals protection, illegal stamps, weapons and guns, Protection of human rights, Child or bonded labor, protection of girls and women and much more illegal activities.

CID believes corruption and crime are their biggest enemy and fights against them for other organizations, business, enterprise and also the society. To win this war, we must support all the anti-corruption efforts done by the Crime Investigation Department of India. The major threat to India is in the form of Corruption and Crime. CID assures and works in an honest manner to fight these threats.

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Formation and organization:

Crime Investigation Department was started by the British Government in the year 1902. It was recommended by the police commission of that time. CID office has a portrait of Rai Bahadur Pandit, Shambhu Nath, King’s Police Medalist (KPM) and Member of British Empire (MBE). The caption of which is ‘Father of Indian CID’. In the year of 1929, CID was divided further into two special branches: CID and Crime Branch CID.

CID is considered as the major part of the POLICE. It is led by the ADGP (Additional Director General of Police). The headquarters is located in Pune, Maharashtra. The British government started this Organization for maintaining the Law and Order bin the whole nation. The officers in this department are of various ranks and they work in a plain set of clothes. We call this ranked officers as CID officers or Detective.

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CID branches:

The branches of CID that operate from one state to other includes:

  • CB- CID
  • CID
  • Anti-Terrorism wing
  • Anti-Human Trafficking & Missing Persons Cell
  • Anti-Narcotics Cell
  • Finger Print Bureau

CIDfull in Hindi: हिंदी में क्राइम इन्वेस्टीगेशन डिपार्टमेंट लिखा जाता है।

Crime Branch CID:

The task of this branch is the investigation of all the Crimes such as riots, counterfeiting, forgery, rapes and more which are given to CB-CID by the government of the state or by the High Court of the State.

The Crime Branch CID functions with a sanctioned executive strength of:

    • Director General of Police –               1
    • Inspector General of Police –             1
    • Deputy Inspector General of Police –  1
    • Superintendents of Police –               3
    • Superintendent of Police –                 2
    • Deputy Superintendents of Police –   23
    • Inspectors –                                    68
    • Sub-Inspectors –                             72
    • Head Constables –                          101
    • Grade-I Police Constable –                43
    • Grade-II Police Constables –            210
    • Driver Police Constables –                 58
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The headquarters of CB-CID is in Chennai.


Founded in Maharashtra in 1990, the anti-terrorism squad is a group of Special Forces of various states of India. The states include Gujarat, Kerala, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Bihar. The senior of the Indian Police Services leads and heads the squad. It has prevented and investigated numerous terrorist attacks in India.


The CID works efficiently and is very much upfront in fighting the illegal drugs and narcotics flowing loosely in the nation. Narcotics are an ugly face to the nation and CID helps to keep the youth of the country away from such adversities.

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