CISF Constable Fireman Result 2018 Written Exam Marks Merit List

CISF Constable Fireman Result 2018

Aspiring candidates for CISF Constable or Fireman (Male) post can check Results, Cutoff marks, Merit List, Selection List as well as the Waiting List at the official website Based on the marks in the written test the result sheet will be prepared and the selected candidates will be called for further scrutiny process.

The Qualified Candidates will be called for the Final Selection process and Medical Exam based on the Merit List. Physical Standards Test (PET), Physical Efficiency Test (PST) and Documentation are the basic criteria to be eligible to sit for the written exam.

To get more details about the CISF Constable/Fire (Male) 2017 – 2018 Recruitment Results, Merit List, Waiting List, Selection Process, Selection List, Final Selection, Interview (PI), Answer Key, Cutoff or any other information look up the official site provided on this page.

CISF Constable Information:

Examination Name: CISF Constable / Fire (Male) Written Examination

Exam Organizer: Central Industrial Security Force CISF

Exam Level: National Level

Name of the Posts: Constable and Fireman (Male)

No of Vacancies: 332

Job Category: Government Job

Selection Process

Physical Standards Test, Physical Efficiency Test, and documentation are important to be able to appear in the written examination. No other step lies in between the candidates and the PET/PST. It will be the responsibility of the candidates to verify their eligibility as per description in the notice on the official website before appearing for PST/PET.

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About CISF Constable Written Examination

The candidates who will clear the PST/PET, Identity Check and the Documentation process will be called for the OMR based Written Examination on the provided date. Admit card will be provided to the eligible candidates, uploaded to the website and the venue will be mentioned on the site.

  • The written test will be OMR based.
  • The question paper will assess your general awareness/ general knowledge, analytical aptitude, knowledge of elementary mathematics, and ability to observe and distinguish different patterns and basic knowledge in English and Hindi.
  • The questions will be set bilingually.
  • The written test will consist of 100 objective type multiple choice questions and the time limit will be two hours.


The Original testimonial/documents of the candidates will be scrutinized after this. Candidates who would fail to produce the required original documents will be eliminated from the recruitment process and no candidates will be entertained otherwise.

Constable Fireman Results and Selection List

All the CISF Fireman Written Exam qualifiers who are looking for the result publication can check their result at the official website. The qualified candidates’ list is announced as the result publication. Every student must enter his/her required details like the enrolment number, date of birth and password as set earlier on the official login page to check their result.

CISF Constable Cutoff

The minimum cut off percentage of marks for selection will probably be like:

  • General & Ex-servicemen: 35%
  • SC/ST/OBC: 33%
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The candidates will be called for the next stage of recruitment on the basis of their position in the merit list of the written exam and with accordance to cut off marks of each State/Category. The candidates are shortlisted based on their cutoff marks.

Constable Fireman Merit List

After completion of all the stages of on the basis of aggregate marks obtained in the written test.

  • In case there is a tie in the marks of two candidates, the merit list will be prepared in the following order:
  • The elder candidate gets the job.
  • If the tie persists, then the candidate with more height and higher educational qualification will get the job.
  • Further, tie if any shall be resolved by referring to the alphabetical order of names.

Constable Fireman Final Selection

Order of merit will decide the final selection of the candidates in each category. Then the vacancies will be allotted to each state. The minimum cut off percentage of marks for selection will probably be as:

General & Ex-servicemen: 35%

SC/ST/OBC: 33% No waiting list will be kept/ maintained.

Constable Medical Examination

Candidates who qualify will find a place in the selected candidates’  list as per the availability of vacancy in each category in the State. The selected candidates will be called in for the medical examination.

The Department shall have to fix discretion in different qualifying standards for the various candidates belonging to different State/categories taking into consideration the vacancies provided to each State/UT.

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Candidates selected for detailed medical examination may download their call letters through CISF website. Candidates will be declared either FIT OR UNFIT at the end of the medical test. Temporary unfitness will be regarded as UNFIT.

Candidates declared unfit may revoke an appeal to the designated authority within 15 days of the declaration of unfit by the medical board with requisite fee i.e. Rs.25/- and a fitness proof must be attached in the prescribed form.

Unless the form contains a note by the medical practitioner of District Hospital or above the form will not be accepted, and unless it is declared by the Medical Practitioner that this is an error of judgment.

Tattoos marked on traditional sites of the body are allowed. The Size of the tattoos must be less than ¼ of the part of the body.

Downloading the CISF Constable Fireman Result 2018?

  • Go to the official Recruitment Website of CISF:
  • Scroll Down to the “Important Announcements“ option.
  • Check an update for  “CISF Fireman Written Examination Result“.
  • click on the Login option.
  • Feed your Registration No. & Password.
  • Verify the marks obtained by you on the list with your actual marks.
  • Finally, you will know the status of your Selection.“Stay Informed and connect to Today’s era  for the latest updates.”