JCECE: Jharkhand Polytechnic Second Round Counselling Result 2018 Information

Jharkhand Polytechnic 2nd Round Counselling Complete details 

JCECE second round counselling results

The JCECE Jharkhand second Round Polytechnic Counselling Result is out. You can now check it at their online portal i.e. www.jceceb.jharkhand.gov.in , So this opens the gateway to your dream education center for your bright career.

Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board was set up under section 85 of Bihar Reconstituted Act, 2000 by the Government. JCECEB has been assigned the responsibility of conducting entrance tests which lay the foundation for admission to various Institutions in the state.

JCECEB is a self-financed autonomous body of the Government. Member of Board has been selected by the Government to take decisions for the JCECEB.

The admission process for the polytechnic will soon start for Polytechnic Entrance Competitive Examination(PECE). The JCECEB latest press release has requested students to adhere by the guidelines set up by the board. The students are requested to follow the admission process, that is the online process.

This year’s counseling is online based. The exam was conducted on 19th May 2018. The rank list has been prepared on the basis of CML rank range. The first round had commenced some time back. The students who did not get a chance of admission at that time are looking forward to getting selected and enrolled in the second counseling.

The counseling date will mainly depend on the rank secured by the student. The student with the higher rank gets prioritized and thus will be allotted an earlier day. For Jharkhand Diploma round 2nd the official site: www.jceceb.jharkhand.gov.in will provide all the details. You can easily get all the rest information from the official website.

The official website is easy to use and understand. There are in total 13 government, 15 private and 2 other polytechnic colleges. The next round is expected to start soon. The board hopes that the students will show up on time.

The students will have to pay the counseling fee and will be allotted the seats according to their merit and their choice of seats. The selected candidate will have to submit Rs. 400(Rs. 250 in case of SC/ST/female candidate in any category) by challan, postal order. Candidates must bring along all their original documents at the time of counseling.

  Important Dates

 JCECEB Polytechnic 2018 Online Application Start Date10th April 2018
Last Date for Filling Online Form2nd May 2018
JCECEB Polytechnic 2018 Exam Date19th May 2018
Final Result Date11th June 2018
 JCECEB Counseling Registration Date 201822nd June 2018
2nd Round Counseling DateComing Soon

The students wishing to go for the admission process may do so by following these simple steps:

  • Click on the official website link provided on this page.
  • Select the exam.
  • Enter your Roll no. and other required fields.
  • Click on the search button provided to check your result.

There will be no re-evaluation or reconsideration criterion.

The online process has been started to ease the hassle faced by the students. This way the students do not have to visit the place of counseling or do not have to run from place to place if the merit goes up or down.

The board has been putting earnest efforts to ease the pain of the students and their parents. The online forum is one such move. The Board is working to bring up the education level and provide the enrolled students with the best possible education, be it any field.

The move was undertaken by the Government to constitute a special Board for Higher education has proved beneficial for education on the whole. This, in turn, helps the state grow.

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