UP LT Grade Teacher Recruitment 2018: Exam Date, Eligibility, Salary, Syllabus, Vacancy

Let’s read about UP LT Grade Teacher Recruitment 2018. This exam is best chance to get select without any final interview as it is purely based on the written test so this exam can be turning point of our career.

UP LT grade teacher recruitment is officially announced by Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission. The form is available online and the last date of submitting a form is 16th April 2018.

Here is the link you can go to the official website of the public service commission Allahabad http://uppsc.up.nic.in/. The total vacancies are 10768 and from which they are hiring 5364 male and 5404 female candidates.

UP LT Grade Teacher recruitment

The exam is held on 29th of July 2018.

Check Here: https://gradeup-question-images.grdp.co/liveData/f/2018/3/up-lt%20grade-exam-date-notice.pdf-41.pdf

Below we will let you know about the requirements and other important information which will help you for UP LT grade teacher recruitment:-

UP LT Grade Teacher Recruitment Eligibility Criteria:

Qualification:- The candidate must have completed their graduation and have B.ed degree from any recognized institution than a candidate can apply for all subjects except the computer.

The requirements for the computer teacher are different.

Qualification for Computer teacher:-The candidate has done B.E/B.Tech in Computer Science, graduation in science in computer application, graduation in computer application  or any equivalent studies from government recognized university.

General Category:- The age limit of the candidates is minimum 21 years and maximum are 40 years.SC/ST/OBC/Skilled Players:- In this category, the minimum age is the same general category but the maximum age is 45 years.

PH/Ex Army Personnel:- The minimum age is same as all but the maximum age is 55 years.

Note:- CTET and TET certificate is not mandatory for this recruitment.

Vacancies:- As above mentioned the total vacancies are 10768 in different subjects with different proportion. Here I will write the subject name and vacancies for the particular subject for both male and female.

1. HINDI:- The vacancies for male candidates are 696 and 737 for female.

2. English:- The vacancies for male and female are 645 and 675, respectively.

3. Mathematics:- 561 positions are for male and 474 for female.

4. Science:- the teachers required for science is 571 male and 474

5. Social Science:- for the male 926 vacancies are there and for female 928.

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6. Computer:- 898 vacancies for male and 775 for female.

7. Urdu:- 71 male and 62 Female candidates.

8. Biology:- 336 vacancies for male and 259 for female.

9. Sanskrit:- 274 male and 242 female vacancies.

10 Art:- 192 male and 278 female vacancies.

11 Music:- 8 vacancies for male and 60 for female.

12 Commerce:- 26 male and 3 female vacancies.

13 Physical Education:- 140 male and 168 female vacancies.

14 Home Science:- 01 male and 269 female vacancies.

15 Agriculture:- 19 male vacancies no female needed.

How to apply?
1. First, you have to visit the official website of UPPSC (http://uppsc.up.nic.in/).

2. You will see online form submission button on the left top corner below the banner click on candidate registration.

3. Read your examination name and click on apply.

4. After that, you have to select in which subject you are enrolling and click on apply.

5. After that you will be redirected to a fill up the form page you will fill your personal details and qualifications.

6. check all the details carefully again before submitting.

7. After filling your details you will be at payment section pay the application fees and make a printout.

Application fees for the exam:-
The application fees of the exam for general and OBC category is 125 rupees.

The application fees of the exam for SC/ST category is 65 rupees.

The application fees of the exam for PH category is 25 rupees.

Pay Scale(salary):-

The selected candidates will get the salary between 9300-34800 with grade pay of 4800 and include other allowances.

The salary structure and other allowances are:-

The pay scale is between 9300-34800 rupees.

The grade pay is 4800 rupees.

The basic pay is 17140 rupees.

The CPC is 44906 rupees.

The HRA is 3428 rupees.

The transport allowances is 1700 rupees.

The gross pay is 49934 rupees.

The deductions of EPF is 1714 rupees.

The approximately net salary is 48220 rupees.

Mode of selection:-
First, the candidate has to give a written test. After that, the UP secondary education council will prepare a merit list on the state level based on the written test Than the selection will be based on the merit list.

Exam pattern and syllabus of the exam:-

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The written test is objective type and of 2 hours. The total questions in the exam are 150 and there should be negative marketing also. There are two parts of the exam. Part a and part b.

Part a:– have 30 questions of 30 marks based on general studies. Like, India and Assam – Historical past, worldwide & Nationwide an organization, Indian structure, Essential days, Books & Authors, Basic science, Indian financial system, Abbreviations, Awards & Honors, Geography – India, Assam & World.

Part b:- have 120 questions of 120 marks based on the main subject.
The syllabus is infinite. But I will give you the overview of the syllabus of some subjects.

1. Social studies:- geography, history, economics, civics, and politics.

2. Science:- physics, chemistry.

3. English:- Vocabulary, One phrase substitutions, comprehension,
correction in error, synonyms, Antonyms, Grammar, Idioms &
Phrases, Rearrangement of sentences, shuffling of the sentence,
Topic verb settlement.

4. Mathematics:- real analysis, vector analysis, complex analysis, calculus, geometry, statistics, probability, and algebra.

5. Commerce:- auditing, money and banking, business economics, accountancy, business organization, and management.

6. Computer science:- operating system, software engineering, computer networks, object-oriented techniques, system analysis and design, information security and cyber laws, problem-solving through c, data structures, and algorithm.

7. Music:-
1. instrumental:- study of different instruments, study of different talas.

2. vocal:- notation system, the study of the main ragas.

8. Physical education:- sports training, health education, sports medicine, anatomy and physiology in physical education, organization and supervision in physical education, principle and history of physical education, psychology in physical education.

9. Biology:- zoology and botany.

1. Art:-

unit 1:- ancient traditional and modern medium, elements of painting, medium, technique and principles of composition.

Unit 2:- six lambs of Indian art, concepts of eastern and western aesthetics definitions, the principle of art and interrelationship of

Unit 3:- Indian pre-historic, ancient, classical and medieval style and specific area. Indian modern and contemporary art groups, painters, printmakers, thinkers and their concepts.

Unit 4:- modern art of Europe, painters, printmakers, thinkers and their concepts. Europe pre-historic, ancient, classical and medieval style and specific area.

Unit 5:- Indian contemporary art, scenario artists, art activities and active trends.

SubjectDownload link
UP LT Grade General Science Syllabus
UP LT Grade Physical Education Syllabus
UP LT Grade Music Syllabus
UP LT Grade Arts Syllabus
UP LT Grade Computer Syllabus
UP LT Grade English Syllabus
UP LT Grade Hindi Syllabus
UP LT Grade Sanskrit Syllabus
UP LT Grade Urdu Syllabus
UP LT Grade Home Science Syllabus
UP LT Grade Mathematics Syllabus
UP LT Grade Commerce Syllabus
UP LT Grade Biology Syllabus
UP LT Grade Science Syllabus
UP LT Grade Social Science Syllabus
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UP LT Grade Teacher Recruitment 2018 Study Notes:

Important notes:-
1. The last date to fill a form online is 16th April 2018.

2. The last date to deposit application fee is 12th April 2018.

3. The age limit is 21 to 40 years for general category. The age limit is 21 to 45 years for SC/ST/OBC/Skilled Players. The age limit is 21 to 55 for PH/ Ex-army Personnel.

4. The required qualification is graduation with B.ed.

5. The required qualification for computer teacher post is B.E/B.Tech in Computer Science, graduation in science in computer application, graduation in computer application or any equivalent studies from government recognized university.

6. The application fees if INR 125 for general category, INR 65 for SC
category and INR 25 for PH.

7. The salary is between 9300-34800 with grade pay and other

8. The selection is based on the merit list declared by UP secondary
education council.

Helpful Link: https://gradeup.co/tet/up-lt-grade 

Helpful Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/733324606740160/about/