Full Form of DSLR in hindi and english | डी.एस.एल.आर की फुल फॉर्म क्या है?

Full Form of DSLR: Digital Single Lens Reflex or Digital SLR

DSLR stands for Digital Single Lens Reflex or Digital SLR. A DSLR uses the mechanism of single lens reflex and a digital image sensor. The major difference between a DSLR and other cameras is the reflex design. In DSLR, light first passes through a lens and then to a mirror which reflects the image to the image sensor or the viewfinder.

Single-Lens means that 1 lens is used to show image in the viewfinder and on the image sensor. The viewfinder displays the image which will be captured without any significant difference. In other cameras, the image on the digital screen is the light captured by the image sensor of the camera.

BY 2000s, DSLRs started taking place of SLRs which used films for storing the image. A DSLR uses a memory card to store the images and videos. Even after the mirrorless cameras are popular since 2010, photographers still prefer DSLRs with mirror because of reliability, robustness and valuable in price.

Common Features of a DSLR Dial Mode:
Most of the DSLR and other digital cameras have a dial to change the settings to a predefined scene-mode which are standard for cameras. The typical modes in any DSLR are landscape mode, portrait mode, sports mode, macro mode, night mode, program mode, Aperture priority mode, Shutter priority mode, manual mode and other modes predefined by the manufacturer.

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Live Preview: A live preview is used to see the real image which will be captured by the sensor and saved in the memory. Generally, live preview is used where the viewfinder is not suitable because of its distance from the eye.

There can be several reasons for the same such as photography on a tripod, light photography, underwater photography etc. The live preview provides the ease of moving a point which can’t be accessed by the eye without difficulty.

Depth of Field (DOF): Control on DOF Wider the range of apertures, wider is the flexibility in any camera. A DSLR lens aperture ranges from as large as f/0.9 to as small as f/32. Other ordinary digital cameras have a range from f/2.8 to f/5.6 only.

The depth of field highly depends on the aperture settings of the lens thus plays an important role in wildlife and nature photography. Also, portraits are preferred at large aperture and landscapes are generally captured with smaller apertures Dust reduction system The Canon DSLRs have a dust reduction system which vibrates the image sensor at ultrasonic frequencies. These vibrations help in removing the dust from the sensors.

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Fixed or interchangeable lenses DSLRs have an option of changing the lens according to the requirements. These help to achieve in variable focal lengths. Other digital cameras have a small range of focal lengths which are provided by the manufacturer and can’t be readily changed except the provided range.

HD Video Recording From 2008, DSLRs have started offering a mode to record High Definition quality videos. Such DSLRs were known as HDSLR but being a common feature in all the cameras in these days, they aren’t much differentiated. Performance differences The image sensors in a DSLR is generally larger and higher in quality as compared to other digital cameras.

They offer lower noise in the image at low light. DSLRs often offers full frame sensors and medium format size image sensors. DSLRs have lesser shutter lag with a faster autofocus system and higher frame rate. Mirrorless cameras are now giving a tough competition to DSLRs in these features Optical view image VS Digital image The new digital cameras offers a digitally created image on the screen with the help of Eye-level Electronic Viewfinder which provides a time lag.

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But DSLRs use reflex view system and thus provide actual optical image in the viewfinder at the speed of light. Thus, DSLRs are preferred in sports, low light or action photography. DSLRs are generally costlier than other cameras, large and heavy.

They operate at louder clicking sound when the shutter opens and closes. The fixed mirror design in Sony doesn’t have this noise problem. But because of the diverted light by the mirror, only 70% of the light is received on the sensor.

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